Animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
In order to use this plugin on your page you will need to include the following styles in the Page CSS area from the page’s head section:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/libs/animate.css/animate.min.css">
To animate an element, add the class animated
to an element. You can include the class infinite
for an infinite loop. Finally you need to add one of the following classes to the element:
Class Name | |||
bounce | flash | pulse | rubberBand |
shake | headShake | swing | tada |
wobble | jello | bounceIn | bounceInDown |
bounceInLeft | bounceInRight | bounceInUp | bounceOut |
bounceOutDown | bounceOutLeft | bounceOutRight | bounceOutUp |
fadeIn | fadeInDown | fadeInDownBig | fadeInLeft |
fadeInLeftBig | fadeInRight | fadeInRightBig | fadeInUp |
fadeInUpBig | fadeOut | fadeOutDown | fadeOutDownBig |
fadeOutLeft | fadeOutLeftBig | fadeOutRight | fadeOutRightBig |
fadeOutUp | fadeOutUpBig | flipInX | flipInY |
flipOutX | flipOutY | lightSpeedIn | lightSpeedOut |
rotateIn | rotateInDownLeft | rotateInDownRight | rotateInUpLeft |
rotateInUpRight | rotateOut | rotateOutDownLeft | rotateOutDownRight |
rotateOutUpLeft | rotateOutUpRight | hinge | jackInTheBox |
rollIn | rollOut | zoomIn | zoomInDown |
zoomInLeft | zoomInRight | zoomInUp | zoomOut |
zoomOutDown | zoomOutLeft | zoomOutRight | zoomOutUp |
slideInDown | slideInLeft | slideInRight | slideInUp |
slideOutDown | slideOutLeft | slideOutRight | slideOutUp |
heartBeat |