Learn how to create your own style without changing the theme’s core files so you can take advantage of future updates.
Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world. To learn more click here to see the official documentation.
File structure
The Sass structure is built from two main folders:
- core, which contains all the theme’s components
- skins, which contains folders with different custom variables that allow you to change the theme’s appearance with ease.
- custom, which contains a basic structure made from a style, a font and a variable files in order to get you started with the customization process nice and easy
Heads up! Bootstrap is automatically loaded from the node_modules folder in the quick-website.scss file. It is installed via npm install and compiled using the build tools.
Remember, you are not limited to use the structure we have included in the resources/scss/custom
folder. If you have a more complex project you can choose to follow the directory structure we have made for Quick. This will help you create modular components easily extendable and re-usable.
Below is the main structure you will be able to see inside the main SCSS folder:
├── resources/
└── ├── scss/
│ ├── core/
│ ├── ├── components/
│ ├── ├── mixins/
│ ├── ├── utilities/
│ ├── ├── libs/
│ │ ├── _components.scss
│ │ ├── _functions.scss
│ │ ├── _mixins.scss
│ │ ├── _reboot.scss
│ │ ├── _utilities.scss
│ │ ├── _libs.scss
│ │ ├── _variables.scss
│ │ └── _variables-dark.scss
├── ├── skins/
│ │ ├── .../
└── └── custom/
│ │ ├── _fonts.scss
│ │ ├── _styles.scss
│ │ └── _variables.scss
│ │ quick-website.scss
└── └── quick-website-dark.scss
Important! We highly recommend to not make changes to the core folder. It includes core files and components that can be updated in the future. If you want to take advantage of future updates you may want to have a more Bootstrap-ish approach, meaning you should create new styles or components to override styles, extend or add new components in the custom
Variable defaults
Every Sass variable in Bootstrap 4 and Quick includes the !default
flag allowing you to override the variable’s default value in your own Sass without modifying Quick’s source code. Copy and paste variables as needed, modify their values, and remove the !default flag. If a variable has already been assigned, then it won’t be re-assigned by the default values in Bootstrap.
You will find the complete list of Quick’s variables in resources/scss/core/_variables.scss
Changing variables
In order to make Sass features modular and re-usable each component has its own styles and its own set of variables. Variables should follow the $component-state-property-size
formula for consistent naming.
Ex: $nav-link-disabled-color and $modal-content-box-shadow-xs.
Let’s say you need to change the primary color with the one you use for you brand. All you have to do is to:
- open the
, look for the$primary
variable and copy it - open the
and paste the variable with its value - replace the value and remove the
flag - make sure you are running Gulp or Laravel Mix watch tasks described in the build tools page
Try following the same variable succession order. Especially, colors, typography and other fundamental variables need to be declared at the beginning of the file so they can be accessible to the components that may follow afterwards.
Creating components
Creating components is easy. It is even easier if you follow the guidelines we are suggesting. This we’ll keep make your code look clean and be easy to read and to work with. Also you will make sure you have results at the same level of quality as Quick or Bootstrap.
There are a few steps:
First, determine which component are you going to develop next. Even though it already exists, let’s say you want to create an alert
component. Determining exactly the component and its purpose you help you to find a name very easily.
So, in this case the class name for alert
will be .alert
. Other variations or modifier classes will begin with .alert-*
(e.g: .alert-danger, which will change the background and text color accordingly).
Also, all variables associated to the class .alert
will begin with $alert
, $alert-*
. Basically, you will need to follow the naming convention Bootstrap and Quick use: $name-state-property-modifier
, where:
is the component name corresponding to the given class name (e.g .alert)state
is the pseudo-class used to define a special state of an element (e.g: hover, active, checked etc)property
is the given CSS property in order to achieve the results you need (e.g: color, background, display)modifier
is used to define additional information for the current property, like sizes, axis (e.g alert-sm, alert-padding-y)
To wrap it up, you should have in the end something like this:
In custom/_variables.scss
$alert-padding-y: 1rem;
$alert-padding-x: 1.5rem;
$alert-color: #FFF;
$alert-bg: #000;
$alert-hover-bg: lighten($alert-bg, 10%);
In custom/_styles.scss
.alert {
padding: $alert-padding-y $alert-padding-x;
color: $alert-color;
background-color: $alert-bg;
&:hover {
background-color: $alert-hover-bg;
Remember! You can modify the structure inside the user’s folder. You can make separate files for each newly created component and import them one by one in the _styles.scss
file. They will be automatically loaded and compiled in the main Sass file.
File structure
You will find in Quick a special structure for the JS files. We did this to sort each script by its scope. In the resources/js
folder you will find the following file structure:
├── resources/
└── ├── js/
│ ├── core/
│ │ ├── charts/
│ │ ├── custom/
│ │ ├── init/
│ │ ├── maps/
│ │ ├── libs/
- custom contains all the custom scripts made by us for Quick
- init contains all the scripts needed to initialize the Quick’s components or third-party plugins
- maps contains map scripts needed to customize the default Google Map style or other map library
- libs contains all the scripts needed to initialize third-party plugins
- layout.js is a file where we put the code needed to develop global layout actions
Making changes
Most of the JS files are just a starting point in order to make the components function properly. This means that you will need to change them accordingly, add options, create more functions and so on. All the plugins are well documented and each one has the link that will point you to the official documentations.
Also, when starting a new project you can install only the plugins you need.
Note! When starting modifying JS files make sure you keep an eye on those you edited, because Quick will be constantly updated.
All JS resources will be bundled in a single file. For the watch
commands, each time you make a change, the file will be automatically regenerated and injected in the browser. Learn more about the build tools.